New Security and Defence Principles 1998

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New Security and Defence Principles 1998
Debates on defence policy choices in the early 1990s and the rapidly changing international arena led to the formulation of the 1993 security and defence policy principles. The international changes occurring in the latter half of the decade and the achievements in the field of Euro-Atlantic integration made it necessary to redefine the bounds within which Hungarian security and defence principles were interpreted. The document approved by the Parliament in December 1998, already looks at Hungary as an integral part of the Euro-Atlantic region, saying that in the post-bipolar international system, the security of the region is affected by global, regional, and local challenges. The diversity of these challenges explains the fact that Hungary interprets security in a comprehensive manner: besides military factors of decreasing extent, it encompasses economic, financial, human and minority rights, information and environmental aspects. Opposition stemming from differing social development, ethnic and religious tension, terrorism, organized crime, the illicit trade of drugs and weapons, migration and environmental problems also pose an increasing risk. The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery, as well as the possibility of attacks on information systems constitute a growing challenge.
Hungarian security policy aims to realize its objectives according to international norms and the standards adopted by international institutions dealing with these issues by relying on the one hand on its national capacities and the strength of the Atlantic Alliance embodied in the principle of collective defence on the other hand. In the case of the former, it wishes to adopt a policy and an institutional system which allows it to identify factors threatening the security of the country and makes it capable of making and implementing decisions aimed at averting them.
Besides Euro-Atlantic integration, Hungarian foreign and security policy also places neighbor policy and the well-being of Hungarian communities living across the border at the center of its attention. Hungary is a stable point of the Central-eastern European region and plays an initiative role in enhancing the stability of the region, be it good-neighborly relations or the enhancement of regional cooperation. For purposes of balanced ties with neighboring countries, Hungary considers the strengthening of cooperation between the countries of the region in the fields of economy, culture, and human rights (including minority rights) to be important.
Hungary considers national defence as being a national issue based on the common responsibility of its citizens. Thus the system of national defence is built on the unity of rights and obligations stemming from NATO membership, an economy capable of fulfilling the material necessities of the armed forces and defence, a state organization prepared for defence, armed forces capable of carrying out their mission, a well functioning civilian defence, and the support of the population. It shall develop its armed forces in accordance with the principles of collective defence originating from membership, which shall have the task of protecting national sovereignty, contribution to NATO collective missions and participation in international peace support and humanitarian action.
The principles of December 1998 represented the orientation and the tasks defined by the political sphere. It is this document that should provide the basis for other documents of this nature. Unfortunately the national military strategy, which is indispensable for the functioning of the armed forces, is still not in place yet.



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