
Teljes szövegű keresés

The Survey as a whole consists of public service units (forming the Directorate General) and the research institutes (Hungarian Geological Institute, MÁFI and the Eötvös Loránd Geophysical Institute, ELGI)
Inside the Directorate General, the division-level Geological Expert Authority assists governmental authorities with supervision, expert assessments, and mineral reserve inventory. For local and regional issues, the seven Regional Offices make the first-instance level authorities. The Information Centre collects and saves geoscience data and makes available for public, running the National Archives of Geology and Geophysics as well as Geotechnical Archives. Financial matters and logistics for the total Survey are operated by the Office Of Finance. Small units of public and external relations together with the human resource management are directly commanded by the Director General.



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Arcanum Újságok

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Arcanum Újságok

Arcanum Újságok
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