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9 March Spectacular celebrations throughout the country mark the 60th birthday of Mátyás Rákosi.
3 Apr. Building of the Diósgyőr smelter completed.
19 July-3 Aug. In Helsinki at the 15th summer Olympics Hungarian sportsmen and women win 16 gold, 10 silver and 16 bronze medals, thus taking 3rd place in the unofficial points competition.
14 Aug. Hungarian Parliament accepts the resignation of Sándor Rónai, president of the Presidential Council, and István Dobi, president of the Council of Ministers. Sándor Rónai becomes president of Parliament, István Dobi president of the Presidential Council, Mátyás Rákosi president of the Council of Ministers. The composition of the government remains the same.
16 Sept. Decree 80/1952 of the cabinet is published about the tightening of official measures against those violating rules concerning agricultural production and collection.



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