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20 Jan. The Council of Ministers brings a resolution about the basic activities of cooperative farms. In the following weeks a campaign starts for t a formation of cooperative farms.
25 Feb.-2 March A resolution approved at the 2nd congress of the Workers’ Party in Budapest significantly raises the indicators of the first Five Year Plan, takes a stand in the interest of promo
ting industrialization, strengthening of the cooperative movement, and state power. The Central Committee session elects the leading bodies of the party, and Mátyás Rákosi is elected general secretary.
15 Apr. Decree 90/1951 of the Council of Ministers makes arrangements for the introduction of bread coupons, and on 16th – for Budapest residents – meat coupons.
20 Apr. The Presidential Council relieves Sándor Zöld of his post as minister of the interior, and elects Árpád Házi as his successor. According to a communique, prior to his arrest Sándor Zöld com pitted suicide with his family.
12 May The Presidential Council relieves Gyula Kállai and elects Károly Kiss as foreign minister. Gyula Kállai is arrested and a few days later former interior minister János Kádar, former state secretary Géza Losonczy, Ferenc Donáth and Szilárd Újhelyi are taken into custody.
17 Jute Szabad Nép publishes the communique of the ministry of the interior about the deportation of “former exploiters” from Budapest.
22-26 June The trial of archbishop of Kalocsa József Grósz and his associates. The supreme court sentences the archbishop to 15 years, and his associates to prison sentences ranging from 813 years (on charges of organizing against the democratic order, currency speculation, helping people escape abroad, and abetment).
21 July The Roman Catholic episcopacy takes an oath on the Constitution.
2 Nov. With the approval of the Council of Ministers the ironworks at Dunapentele and the town are named after Stalin.
11 Nov. Publication of decree 30/1951 of the Presidential Council on the uniform social insurance pension for workers.
1 Dec. Decree 1034/1951 of the Council of Ministers abandons the rationing system, reforms the price and wage system, and makes arrangements for the free turnover of agricultural products.



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