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12 Feb. The Budapest Sports Hall is inaugurated.
23 Feb. In Stockholm, a long-term HungarianSwedish trade agreement – valid until the year 1986 – is signed. This declares the most favou-red nation treatment principles in goods exchange.
11 March The Society for Hungarian Political Sciences is formed. President: János Péter.
1 Apr. The conditions for child allowance are modified.
7 Apr. The Central Committee session of the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party adopts guidelines about housing and house maintenance, housing policy economy), as well as about the further development of public education.
18 Apr. The National Memorial Park of Ópuszta-szer is inaugurated.
6 May Hungary is admitted to the International Monetary Fund.
24 May Donated by the Leuven Catholic University of Belgium, the volume containing the text of the Ancient Hungarian “Maria Lament” finds its way to Hungary.
5 June Magic Cube world championship in Budapest..
19 June In Budapest, the Atrium Hyatt Hotel is inaugurated.
2 July The Novotel Hotel opens in Budapest.
7 Hungary signs the basic charter of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank).
7-9 July François Mitterrand, president of the French Republic, pays an official visit to Hungary.
9 Sept. In Moscow, a long-term Hungarian-Soviet economic and technical cooperation agreement is signed.
30 Oct. Parliament adopts legal rules related to house-building and house maintenance, as well as to the further development of housing economy and distribution.
25 Nov. The combined steel works of the Lenin Blast Furnace Works is inaugurated.
28 Dec. The first 220 mW turbogenerator of the Paks nuclear power station is linked to the national electricity grid.



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