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1 Jan. The unified international metric system (SI) is introduced in Hungary.
2-15 Jan. Census in Hungary. Population: 10,710,000.
11 March A long-term Hungarian-Soviet programme on production specialization and cooperation development is signed.
24-27 March The 12th Congress of the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party elects János Kádár as first secretary. Secretaries of the Central Committee: András Gyenes, Ferenc Havasi, Mihály Korom, Károly Németh, Miklós Óvári and János Kádár.
29 March The north-south metro line between Nagyvárad Square and Kőbánya-Kispest is inaugurated.
26 May-3 June Bertalan Farkas takes off into space on board the Soyuz-36 space ship.
8 June Parliamentary and council elections in Hungary.
13 June A 40,000 cubic metre water reservoir is inaugurated on Gellért Hill.
27 June The opening session of the new Parliament elects its officials. President of the Presidential Council: .Pál Losonczi, president of the Council of Ministers: György Lázár, deputy prime ministers: György Aczél, János Borbándi, Lajos Faluvégi and József Marjai.
19 July-3 Aug. At the 22nd summer Olympic games in Moscow, Hungarian sportsmen and women win 7 gold, 10 silver and 15 bronze medals.
27-29 Sept. Cardinal Agostino Casaroli, state secretary of the Vatican, takes part in church celebrations held at Esztergom and Budapest to mark the 1000th anniversary of the birth of Bishop Gellért.
17-18 Dec. The winter session of Parliament modifies Law 1 of 1976 law on home defence. Compulsory military service is lowered from 24 months to 18 months. The 6th Five Year Plan is enacted.



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