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10 March The Council of Ministers accepts the proposal about tasks of the computer programme between 1976-1980.
22-25 March Headed by János Kádár, a Hungarian party and government delegation pays a visit to the GDR. On the 24 they signed a new 25-year agreement on friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance.
13 Apr. The enlarged session of the Central Committee of the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party accepts guidelines on the elaboration of a new long-term housing programme.
2-4 May Prime minister György Lázár visits Norway.
4-6 May The general assembly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences elects János Szentágothai as president of the Academy.
24-27 May Austrian president Rudolf Kirchschlager visits Hungary.
2 June János Kádár, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party, is awarded the Lenin Peace Prize.
7-9 June János Kádár pays a visit to Italy and the Vatican.
15-16 June At Debrecen and Nagyvárad, János Kádár conducts talks with N. Ceausecu, general secretary of the Romanian Communist Party.
15-17 June Prime minister György Lázár visits Finland.
23-28 June The delegation of the Zimbabwe Patriotic Front headed by president Joshua Nkomo visits Hungary.
4-7 July János Kádár pays an official visit to the German Federal Republic.
26 July János Kádár, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party, .and Leonid Brezhnev, general secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, conduct talks in the Crimea.
26 Aug. The Presidential Council sets up the National Office for Environment and Nature Protection.
22-24 Sept. János Kádár conducts talks in Yugoslavia with J.B. Tito, president of the Association of Yugoslavian Communists, and the president of Yugoslavia.
30 Sept. – 3 Oct. Enrico Berlinguer, general secretary of the Italian Communist Party, visits Hungary.
5-6 Oct. Edward Gierek, first secretary of the Polish United Workers’ Party Central Committee, and Polish prime minister Piotr Jaroszewicz, visit Hungary.
15-18 Oct. Under the leadership of Pál Losonczi, president of the Presidential Council, a Hungarian party and government delegation visits Afgha-nistan.
20 Oct. The enlarged session of the Central Committee of the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party approves the resolution concerning the guidelines of long-term foreign economic policy and the development of production structure.
27-29 Oct. French prime minister Raymond Barre - pays an official visit to Hungary.
9-17 Nov. Pál Losonczi, president of the Presidential Council, pays a visit to Mexico and Equador.
24-27 Nov. Georges Marchais, general secretary of the French Communist Party, visits Hungary.
9 Dec. The water barrage system of the Körös rivers is fully completed.



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