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5-9 Feb. Mika Spiljak, president of the Executive Council of the Yugoslav Federation, pays a visit to Hungary.
5-10 Feb. János Kádár, first secretary of the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party Central Committee, leaves for a fraternal visit to the Soviet Union.
5-6 March The joint session of the Central Committee of the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party and the Council of Ministers accepts a proposal about economic cooperation between COMECON countries as well as topical issues of state life and the further development of socialist democracy.
17 March The political consultative committee of the Warsaw Treaty holds its session in Budapest. An appeal is published for the preparation and holding of the Conference on Security and Coope-ration in Europe.
15-16 May Gustáv Husák, new first secretary of the Czechoslovak Communist Party, pays a frater-nal visit to Hungary.
13 June Hungary recognizes the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam. At Százhalombatta, the Danube thermal power station is inaugurated along with the Danube Crude Oil Industry Co.
26-27June The Central committee of the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party adopts guidelines on scientific-political matters.
26 Sept.-1 Under the leadership of Urho Kekkohnen, president of the Finnish Republic, a Finnish state delegation pays a visit to Hungary.
5-8 Oct Under the leadership of János Kádár, a Hungarian party and government delegation takes part in celebrations in Berlin marking the 20th anniversary of the formation of the GDR.
13-15 Oct. Julius Nyerere, president of the United Republic of Tanzania, pays an official visit to Hungary.
10-21 Nov. Pál Losonczi, president of the Presidential Council, pays an official visit to India and Iran.
16-18 Dec. János Kádár, first secretary of the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party central Committee, visits Czechoslovakia.



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