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6 Jan. In place of Árpád Pullai, the Central Com-mittee of the Young Communist League elects Lajjos Méhes as first secretary.
20-22 Feb. The enlarged session of the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party Central Committee condemns the new breakaway steps of the Chinese Communist Party leadership.
2-11 March Under the leadership of J.V. Andro-pov, secretary of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee, a Soviet delegation visits Hungary.
19-20 March The 3rd congress of the Hungarian Patriotic People’s Front elects Gyula Kállai as president and Ferenc Erdei as general secretary of the organization.
31 March-10 Apr. Under the leadership of N.S. Khrushchev, first secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, a delegation visits Hungary.
26-30 May Marshall Abullah al-Salal, president of the Yemen Arab Republic, pays an official visit to the country. They sign the Hungarian-Yemeni agreement on friendship and cooperation.
11-16 Sept. Under the leadership of J.B. Tito, a Yugoslav party and government delegation visits Hungary.
15 Sept. In Budapest, representatives of Hungary and the Vatican sign agreements on the relation-ship of the Hungarian state and Catholic church, the appointment of bishops, the oath of allegiance of church dignitaries, and the Hungarian papal institute in Rome.
20-23 Sept. Haile Selasse, emperor of Ethiopia, visits Hungary.
28 Sept.-3 Oct. Under the leadership of president A. Novotni, first secretary of the Czechoslo-vak Communist Party, a delegation visits Hungary,
10-23 Oct. At the 18th summer Olympic games in Tokyo Hungarian sportsmen and women win 10 gold medals.
29 Oct.-1 Nov. Austrian foreign minister Bruno Kreisky pays an official visit to Budapest.
21 Nov. Opening of the Elizabeth Bridge in Budapest.



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