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29 Apr. Completion of the Hungarian section of the Béke electricity grid and the Friendship oil pipeline.
15 June Ceremonial inauguration of the moder-nized Budapest South Railway Station.
16 June Decree 19/1962 of the Presidential Cou-ncil on the extension of compulsory education to the age of 16.
14-16 Aug. The enlarged session of the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party Central Com-mittee passes a resolution on the winding up of trials which have violated the rights of members of the working class movement during the time of the personality cult.
11-12 Oct. The enlarged session of the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party Central Committee discusses the organization rules. It brings a resolu-tion in the case of György Marosán: due to his activities contrary to the party line, he is relieved of all his party functions.
15 Nov. In Moscow, a Hungarian-Soviet agree-ment on cooperation in alumina and aluminium production is signed.
20-24 Nov. The 8th congress of the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party establishes that with the socialist transformation of agriculture, socialist productive relations are general in Hungary and thus the laying of the foundations of socialism has been completed. János Kádár is elected first secretary of the party.
28 Nov. Government reshuffle. Béla Biszku re-places Lajos Fehér as deputy prime minister. Re-zső Nyers is followed by Mátyás Tímár as minister of finance.
20 Dec. The resolution of the 17th General Assembly of the UN finally removes the so-called “Hungarian question” from the agenda. After this relations between the UN and Hungary begin to improve.



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