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14 Jan. Signing in Belgrade of a Hungarian-Yugoslav goods exchange and payments agreement.
2-4 March In its resolution on the political situation the session of the Central Committee of the Hungarian Workers’ Party draws attention to the damaging influences of increasing right wing phenomena, and condemns lmre Nagy as the main representative of right wing opportunists.
19 March Mihály Károlyi dies in the French town of Vence.
14 Apr. The Central Committee expels Imre Nagy from the Political Committee and the Central -Committee because of his anti-Marxist views and fractious activities. Mihály Farkas – who supported him – is deprived of all his party functions in the Political and Central Committees.
18 Apr. Parliament relieves Imre Nagy as president of the Council of Ministers, and András Hegedűs is elected his successor.
11-14 May A Hungarian government delegation visits Warsaw. Prime minister András Hegedűs signs an agreement of friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance. (Apart from Hungary, the agreement is also signed by Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, GDR, Romania and the Soviet Union. The aim is to guarantee collective self defence of the socialist countries against a possible imperialist attack in Europe.)
2 Sept. The Central Committee of the Hungarian Workers’ Party elects Béla Szalai as secretary of the Central Leadership.
6 Sept The session of the Pest county committee of the Hungarian Workers’ Party elects János Kádár – rehabilitated in 1954 and elected as head of the 13th district party committee – as first secretary:
20 Oct. According to a report from the ministry of agriculture, 423 new cooperative farms were formed between 1 Jan.-15 Oct.
3 Dec. The Central Control Committee expels Imre Nagy as a member of the party.
14 Dec. Hungary is admitted to the United Nations.



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