Minority Policy in Hungary

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Minority Policy in Hungary
The acceptance and practical implementation of regulations designed to protect the minorities and improve their situation, and the policies of successive, democratically elected Hungarian governments since 1990 prove that Hungary pays particular attention to the assertion of national and ethnic minority rights, it values the cultural variety that dates back centuries in this country, and that it considers the minorities’ existence, the preservation of their language, tradition and culture as an important element of social life and culture. Over the last decade the consistent aim of domestic minority policy – based on a consensus – was to establish a minority-friendly environment for the national and ethnic minorities, where they could preserve and pass on their cultural identity, and live freely with rights guaranteed by the law.
Established in 1990, the Office for National and Ethnic Minorities is responsible for coordinating the implementation of the government’s objectives. The Office is an independent state administrative body with a national sphere of authority. It operates under the supervision of the Ministry of Justice. The Office continuously assesses the situation of the national and ethnic minorities and the assertion of their rights. It prepares analyses and drafts minority policy concepts on which the government can base resolutions concerning the minorities. It is also charged with facilitating the exchange of views and information between the government and the minority organizations. The Office is involved in the drafting of government programs designed to implement the Minorities Act, it provides necessary co-ordination related to any modifications to the act, it closely follows the implementation of minority tasks and duties falling within the jurisdiction of administrative bodies, and participates in their coordination.



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