Measures Promoting the Social Integration of the Romany Minority

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Measures Promoting the Social Integration of the Romany Minority
From an economic viewpoint one can consider the integration of the minorities living in Hungary as complete, with the exception of the Romany minority. They were hardest hit by the recession of the 1980s and the transition to a market economy. Currently the unemployment rate among Romany is four to five times higher than the national average. There are villages where 90 to 100% of the Romany population is unemployed. Long-term and youth unemployment are also far more common in the Romany community. The problem is only compounded by the fact that large numbers of Romany live in those parts of the country where as a result of industrial structural transformation following the change of regime job opportunities in heavy industry have been severely restricted. The Romany are also frequently discriminated in employment and everyday life.
Factors adversely impacting on the state of health are multiplied among the Romany. Thus, the life expectancy of the Romany population is 10 years less than that of the non-Romany. In 1993, 14% of the Romany population lived in isolated run-down neighborhoods without running water, electricity or other conveniences.
The Romany policy conducted by the Hungarian Government is characterized by continuity based on the results of previous years. After taking office in 1998, the new government immediately launched an analysis of the implementation and efficiency of the medium-term package of measures passed by the previous government in 1997. As a result, a new package of measures was drafted and promulgated (Government Decree 1047/1999 (V.5.) on the medium-term measures to improve the living standards and social position of the Romany population. The specific implementation of medium-term measures takes place through the drafting of annual governmental action plans which have to be in harmony with the long-term strategy to be finalized by September 2000.
The comprehensive package specifies tasks in the fields of education, culture, employment, agriculture, regional development, social affairs, health, housing, anti-discrimination, and communication related to the Romany. The government decree defines the ministries responsible for the implementation of the tasks and the deadlines by which tasks must be implemented.
On the one hand, the aim of the measures is to reduce the social inequality of opportunities, and to prevent and reduce prejudice and discrimination. On the other hand, they aim to strengthen the identity and culture of Romany communities. The Government considers that the social integration of the Romany is a question of both minority policy and social policy.
The Inter-Departmental Committee on Romany Affairs co-ordinates the implementation of the program. Its chairman is the Minister of Justice, its vice-chairman is the Chairman of the Office for National and Ethnic Minorities, and its members are the deputy state secretaries of the ministries concerned, as well as the Chairman of the National Romany Self-government. The parliamentary commissioner for minority rights also takes part in the work as a permanent guest.
Hungary’s Romany policy stands at the forefront of world attention. The 1997 annual report of the European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance states that Hungary is aware of the problems of the Romany community, and is taking serious measures in several areas such as housing, education, employment, etc. in order to remedy the situation, as well as to examine and reduce the forms of racial discrimination against the Romany community.
Chapters dealing with minority rights and minority protection in European Union documentation published in relation to Hungary’s accession to the EU recognize the achievements the country has made, but also mention that the Romany in Hungary frequently have to battle against considerable difficulties, and their situation is afflicted by numerous problems.
According to the assessment of the European Union, Hungary meets the political criteria for EU accession set down in Copenhagen, but it must continue to make strenuous efforts to improve the position of the Romany community.



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