Hungarian Geological Survey

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Hungarian Geological Survey
1143 Budapest, Stefánia út 14. (Postal address: 1440 Bp., P.O.Box 17). Phone: 267-1421, 267-1425. Fax: 251-1759. Internet: E-mail: Director General: Dr. István Farkas.
The Hungarian Geological Survey is the governmental agency for the national issues of geology and geophysics. Under the auspices of the Minister, Ministry of Economic Affairs and governed by the Director General, it is budgeted (for the public service activity) by the government. It was established in 1993, in the course of the national public administration reform, as a successor of the Central Geological Bureau of Hungary. The history of the public service and expert authority in geoscience goes back to 1869, when the Geological Institute was founded, and to 1919, when the Eötvös Institute of Geophysics was transferred to public entity (forming the first institute of geophysical prospecting all over the world). Public domain tasks (authority procedures, resource assessment, national geoinformation service) and scientific duties on geology and geophysics are separated, but the integrated structure maintains the effective way of operation.



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