Subsidization of Research and Development on the Verge of a Breakthrough

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Subsidization of Research and Development on the Verge of a Breakthrough
Even more so than the previous one, the century ahead of us will be that of knowledge, science, and technology. In each product and service, there will be more and more added value derived from science. Prominent Hungarian thinkers of the past centuries also recognized the impact of information and scientific values on society and its future, and remarked at the key role knowledge plays in the life and welfare of the nation. Science performs its specific national tasks while keeping an eye fixed on the outside world. As Lorand Eötvös put it, “True science’s scope is the whole world, so if we aim at being true scientists and - as it should be - good Hungarians, then we must raise the banner of science so high that it will be seen beyond our borders, and those outside can pay it due respect.” These words remain true to this day.
The institutional structure, and even the practice of science itself, underwent major changes in the 20th century. At the end of the 19th, and with the advent of the 20th century, when public education became widespread and in fact was made mandatory in a significant part of Europe, education became a part of governing to some extent. The 20th century witnessed a similar process with respect to scientific research and development. Science is no longer just meditation about the structure of the world and society, driven by the curiosity of individuals but rather a ruthless race for life and comfort. The role of the state also changed considerably. Today science policy is an integral part of overall policy-making and governing.
In the 1980s, it became obvious that the race taking place in the developed world was much more technological than military in nature - in the traditional sense. The issue of the creation, authentication, easy storage and retrieval, transfer, and rapid exploitation of knowledge became the main battleground of this race.
The fact, that knowledge has become a factor of power essential for survival and that science exerts increased influence, confronts the creators of knowledge, researchers and scientific institutions, as well as the actors of public life, politics, and government with a great variety of new tasks.



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