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20 Jan. The Soviet, Czechoslovak, Polish, Hungarian, GDR and Bulgarian energy systems are linked.
4-8 March János Kádár, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party, pays a visit to the Soviet Union.
17-19 March György Lázár, president of the Council of Ministers, holds talks in Kuwait.
23-26 March A.S.R. Eanes, president of the Portuguese Republic, pays a visit to Hungary.
16-18 Apr. Thomas P. 0’Neil; chairman of the United States House of Representatives, holds talks in Hungary.
14-15 May The foreign ministerial committee of the Warsaw Treaty member states holds talks in Budapest.
28-29 May Pál Losonczi, president of the Presidential Council, visits Austria.
30 May-1 June Under the leadership of L. Brezhnev, general secretary of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee, a Soviet party and government delegation visits Hungary.
5-9 July Kurt Waldheim, UN secretary general, stays in Hungary.
4-6 Sept. German chancellor Helmut Schmidt pays a visit to Hungary.
7 Sept. The 860 mW Tisza thermal power station is inaugurated in Leninváros.
5-8 Oct Greek prime minister Konstantine Karamanlis visits Hungary. Under the leadership of János Kádár, a Hungarian party and government delegation leaves for the GDR.
20-22 Sept. Prime minister György Lázár holds talks in France.
27 Dec. The Council of Ministers approves the long-term development concept for post and telecommunications.



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