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1 Jan. Census in Hungary. Population: 9,977,870.
10 Jan. Government decree 1002/1960 published about the 15 year housing plan which envisages the construction of 1 million fiats.
15 Jan. The Presidential Council relieves Gyula Kállai and György Marosán of their posts as ministers of state and Imre Dögei from the post of minister of agriculture. Gyula Kállai is elected first deputy prime minister, Pál Losonczi minister of agriculture, and Rezső Nyers as finance minister.
1 Apr. Decree 1011960 of the Presidential Council about a partial political amnesty.
14-17 Apr. A. Sukarno, president of the Republic of Indonesia, pays an official visit to Hungary.
26-29 July COMECON holds its 13th session in Budapest.
Aug-Sept At the 17th Rome summer Olympics Hungarian sportsmen and women win 6 gold, 8 silver and 7 bronze medals.
19 Sept. -15 Oct. Under the leadership of János Kádár a Hungarian delegation visits New York to attend the 15th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations.
16-18 Dec. The congress of the Young Commu-nist League elects Zoltán Komócsin as first secretary of the YCL Central Committee.



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