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6 Jan. The new system of compulsory deliveries comes into force.
21-23 Jan. Parliament approves Law IV of 1953 on the people’s economic plan.
13 March For committing anti-state and anti-popular crimes, the Military Supreme Court sentences Gábor Péter, former leader of the State Security Authority, to life imprisonment, and former justice minister Gyula Décsi to 9 years, and István Timár, former ministerial department head, to 11 years.
9 May Inauguration of the Tiszalök (SzabolcsSzatmár county) water barrage.
24-30 May 3rd congress of the Workers’ Party in Budapest approves the guidelines of the second Five Year Plan. A new organizational rule is accepted which emphasizes the Leninist principle of collective leadership. The following are elected members of the Political Committee: Lajos Ács, Antal Apró, Mihály Farkas, Ernő Gerő, András Hegedűs, István Hidas, Imre Nagy, Mátyás Rákosi and Béla Szalai. Alternate members: István Bata and József Mekis.
Members of the five-member secretariat: Mátyás Rákosi (first secretary), Lajos Ács, Mihály Farkas, János Matolcsi and Béla Vég.
13-31 July Danube flood. A major part of Szigetköz is flooded.
1-3 Oct. The Central Committee session of the Workers’ Party debates the situation of the economy and the economic-political tasks of the party. Sectarianism is identified as the reason for mistakes.
23-24 Oct. At the first congress of the People’s Front Pál Szabó is elected president, and Ferenc Jánosi general secretary.
8 Nov. The Soviet Union returns to Hungary the Soviet shares of Hungarian-Soviet mixed ownership companies.
28 Nov: At national council elections, 97.9% of the electorate vote for candidates of the People’s Front.



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