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12 Feb. Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and Hungary conclude a treaty about the construction and use of the Adriatic crude oil pipeline.
14 Feb. The Council of Ministers decides on the construction of the Hungarian-Czechoslovak Gabcikovo-Nagymaros water barrage.
27 Feb.-2 March Romanian prime minister
I.G. Maurer pays a visit to Hungary.
19-20 March The enlarged session of the Central Committee of the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party summons the 11th congress of the party for 1975. It relieves György Aczél and Rezső Nyers as secretaries of the Central Committee, and elects Imre Győri and Károly Németh as secretaries.
21 March The Presidential Council appoints György Aczél and János Borbándi as deputy
prime ministers.
10-12 Apr. Headed by János Kádár, a Hungarian party and government delegation pays a visit to Czechoslovakia.
27-28 Apr. A Yugoslav party and government delegation headed by president J.B. Tito visits Hungary.
21 June The Presidential Council declares the division of the ministry of culture into the ministry of education and the ministry of culture.
25-30 Sept. Under the leadership of János Kádár, general secretary of the Central Committee of the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party, a party and government delegation visits the Soviet Union.
12-14 Oct. Yasser Arafat, president of the PLO, holds talks in Hungary.
25 Oct. The Soviet-Hungarian ethylene long-dis-tance grid is linked at Beregdaroc.
21-29 Nov. Prime minister Jenő Fock visits India and Burma.
28-31 Nov. Pál Losonczi, president of the Presidential Council, pays a visit to Poland.



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Arcanum Adatbázis Kiadó, popredný poskytovateľ obsahu v Maďarsku, začal svoju činnosť 1. januára 1989. Spoločnosť sa zaoberá hromadnou digitalizáciou kultúrneho obsahu, jeho triedením do databáz a publikovaním.

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Noviny Arcanum

Noviny Arcanum
Zaujíma Vás, čo o tejto téme písali noviny za posledných 250 rokov?
