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18 Jan. The first Danube bridge, Kossuth, built after Budapest’s liberation, is inaugurated.
20 Jan. Publication of the theoretical periodical of the Communist Party, the Social Review: Editor: Aladár Mód.
Jan: Feb. A mass movement of peasants starts under the slogan “We will not return any land”.
1 Feb. The National Assembly adopts article 1 of 1946 law on the abolition of the monarchy, and declares Hungary a republic. Zoltán Tildy is elect-ed president of the republic of Hungary.
4 Feb. The new government is formed. Prime Minister: Ferenc Nagy (Smallholder), and there is no change at the other portfolios.
5 Feb. Trial of Ferenc Szálasi and associates starts. The people’s court sentences them to death on the gallows. The sentences are carried out on 12 March.
21 Feb. The United States extends a Loan of USD 10 million to Hungary for purchases from the European stocks of the US Army.
27 Feb. In Budapest Hungarian foreign minister János Gyöngyösi and deputy foreign minister Vladimir Clementis sign an agreement on Hungary-Slovak population exchanges. In accordance with the agreement, the Czechoslovak authorities are entitled to expel as many Hungarians as the number of Slovaks who wish to leave Hungary volun-tarily.
5 March The left wing bloc is formed with the par ticipation of the Communist Party, the Social Democrats, the trade union council and the National Peasant Party.
11 March The presidium of the Smallholders accepts the demands of the left wing bloc and ex-pels Dezső Sulyok and 19 National Assembly MPs from the party.
11-12 March First national congress of the National Peasant Party in Budapest. Péter Veres
is elected president, while Ferenc Erdei and Imre Kovács become vice presidents. The post of ge-neral secretary is annulled.
20 March Imre Nagy who resigns is followed by László Rajk at the head of the interior ministry.
9-18 Apr. A Hungarian government delegation leaves for Moscow. Participants: Ferenc Nagy, Árpád Szakasits, Ernő Gerő and János Gyöngyösi.
10 Apr. MPs expelled from the Smallholders’ Party form the Hungarian Freedom Party. President: Dezső Sulyok.
6 May The Hungarian National Bank is placed under state control.
11 May Hungary and Yugoslavia conclude reparation agreements. Hungary is obliged to pay USD 70 million.
8-25 June Under the leadership of Ferenc Nagy, a government delegation leaves for Washington, London and Parts. Those taking part: Mátyás Rákosi, István Ries and János Gyöngyösi.
26 June The National Assembly adopts article XIII of 1946 about the nationalization of the coal mines.
4 July An interior ministry decree disbands the Hungarian Boy Scouts as well as the National Association of Catholic Agrarian Youth. In the next two weeks an additional 1500 organizations and church youth associations are closed.
16 July Formation of the National Association of People’s Hostels (Nékosz).
1 Aug. The new currency, the forint, is issue.
20 Aug. Inauguration of the rebuilt Liberty Bridge in Budapest.
28 Sept. -1 Oct. At the third congress of the Hungarian Communist Party the slogan “Out with the people’s enemies from the coalition” is declared. Mátyás Rákosi elected general secretary, with János Kádár and Mihály Farkas as his two deputies.
15 Oct The first flights of Hungary’s domestic civilian air transport company start. between Budapest and Debrecen and Budapest and Szombathely.
28 Nov. 23550/1946 prime ministerial decree valid from 1 Dec. 1946 – on the nationalization of the largest heavy industry plants published.



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Arcanum Adatbázis Kiadó, popredný poskytovateľ obsahu v Maďarsku, začal svoju činnosť 1. januára 1989. Spoločnosť sa zaoberá hromadnou digitalizáciou kultúrneho obsahu, jeho triedením do databáz a publikovaním.

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Noviny Arcanum

Noviny Arcanum
Zaujíma Vás, čo o tejto téme písali noviny za posledných 250 rokov?
