Psa. 13

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Psa. 13
Psa. 13.1
How long wilt thou forget me, O LORD? for ever? how long wilt thou hide thy face from me?
Psa. 13.2
How long shall I take counsel in my soul, having sorrow in my heart daily? how long shall mine enemy be exalted over me?
Psa. 13.3
Consider and hear me, O LORD my God: lighten mine eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death;
Psa. 13.4
Lest mine enemy say, I have prevailed against him; and those that trouble me rejoice when I am moved.
Psa. 13.5
But I have trusted in thy mercy; my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation.
Psa. 13.6
I will sing unto the LORD, because he hath dealt bountifully with me.



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