International Demographic Data

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International Demographic Data


World population in developed and developing regions (millions) Average annual population growth The population of some countries (millions)* Live births in some countries Number of deaths per one thousand inhabitans in some countries Natural proliferation and decrease (-) per one thousand inhabitants in some countries Death rates by major causes of death (per 100 thousand inhabitans) Number of marriages and divorces per one thousand inhabitants in some countries Trends in consumer prices, 1978-96 (% variation) Shares of certain countries and regions in the world’s total GDP (%) Annual consumer price inflation (%) Annual rate of capital investment in developed democracies (%) Annual consumer price inflation (%) Price Index trends in some countries (A: all products; B: fodds) Average annual consumer price index growth rate by main spending groups (%) Per-capita budget revenue (USD) Unemployment in Eastern European countries as a perceive of the working population, 1992-96 Leading target countries for the influx of private capital (USD billion) Consumption and sales taxes as a percentage of GDP Wage and employment taxes as a percentage of GDP Property tax as a percentage of GDP Social security contribution as a percentage of GDP Corporate gains tax, as a percentage of GDP Incorne tax of individual as a percentage of GDP Budget revenues (also including those of Social Security) as a percentage of GDP Trends in Official Reserves at the End of the Year in Some Countries (USD million) Daily Nutrient Intake Per Capita 1996


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