Search Guide

In this guide we show you the basic features of Arcanum's search engine used on Arcanum Newspapers. This is a high-performance complex search system we have been developing the last few decades.

Use the features listed here to make complex search terms by typing the search fields into the search box.

Search fields

TEXT Full text In this case the search system does not distinguish between accented figures and finds the inflected forms of the expression (default)
TEXT_EXACT Full text (precise) Shows only the pages with exactly the same form of words
DATE Date Filter the results according to years. In daily newspapers you can also narrow down the time for a given day. Format: yyyy-mm-dd

The default search field is TEXT. If you do not use any other search fields the given word may appear in accented form or inflected.

Newspaper segmentation

The newspaper pages are processed automatically by our newspaper segmentation software based on artificial intelligence. This enables us to search the content with the following search fields:

TITLE Title, Roof title, Subtitle, Intermediate title
AUTHOR Author, Byline
ADVERTISING Advertisement

Named entity recognition

The newspaper pages are processed automatically by our named entity recognition software based on artificial intelligence. This enables us to search the content with the following search fields:

PERSON Name of a person
LOCATION Name of a location
ORGANIZATION Name of an organization person
EVENT Name of an event
ENTITY All entities including the ones above

Other search fields

BKMK Author and title of articles You can search for authors and titles in articles using this search field. Important notice: Processing of authors and titles of articles is only available for scientific journals. In daily newspapers and weekly magazines you only have the opportunity to search for authors and titles of articles in the full text.
EBKMK Author and title of articles (precise) Same as the previous one, it only provides accurate results.
AUTI Author and title of a book Search for title and author of books or year of journals.
EAUTI Author and title of a book (precise) Same as the previous one, it only provides accurate results.


* replaces any number of characters
? replaces 0 or 1 character
! replaces only 1 character


AND Lists the pages that contain both sides of the expression (default)
OR Lists the pages that appear on at least one side of the expression
NOT Lists pages that contain only the left side of the expression
S Lists pages that contain both sides of the expression within the same article
nW Lists the pages that contain the given words at a distance to a given word, in the correct order. You can enter an arbitrary number for n, like 3W, 10W, 0W
nN Lists the pages that contain the given words at a distance to a given word, in any correct order. You can enter an arbitrary number for n, like 3N, 10N, 0N
W Lists the pages that contain a word which matches both sides of the expression
WNOT Lists the pages that contain a word which matches only the left side of the expression


Results include all the words you typed:

  • petőfi OR kossuth (link)
  • petőfi OR jókai (link)
  • petőfi OR jókai OR kossuth (link)
  • petőfi OR kossuth OR jókai OR arany (link)

Search for expressions

Using the quotation mark you will get results where the words are next to each other. The same functionality can be accessed by using the 0W operator. The two examples below show the same results:

  • "petőfi sándor" (link)
  • petőfi 0W sándor (link)

Exact terms

If you want to get the most exact match, you need to search in the exact search field (TEXT_EXACT) and use the 0W operator or the quotation mark:

  • TEXT_EXACT=("petőfi sándor debrecenben") (link)
  • TEXT_EXACT=(petőfi 0W sándor 0W debrecenben) (link)

Results containing the keywords at a certain distance

  • Csokonai 1W Mihály  (link)
  • magyar 3W múzeum  (link) Results like: Magyar Nemzeti MúzeumMagyar Természettudományi Múzeum… etc.

This gives you the opportunity to search for pages that have specific words close to each other. The example below shows the result of a 10 words distance search:

  • Petőfi 10W Kossuth 10W Arany 10W Jókai (link)

In optional sequence:

  • Petőfi 10N Kossuth 10N Arany 10N Jókai (link)

Excluding words

You may want to filter out some false results. In this case you can use the NOT and WNOT operators.

  • bor WNOT TEXT_EXACT=(bőr*) (link)

Narrowing the date interval

The following example on Sándor Petőfi lists the references before the Revolution in 1848:

  • "Petőfi Sándor" AND DATE=(1840--1847) (link)

You may also search for specific days. It is important to know, that this option only gives accurate results for journals that appear on a daily basis.

  • "Petőfi Sándor" AND DATE=(1840-05-13--1843-04-17) (link)

Search for authors

  • AUTHOR=("Kovács László") (link) Search for articles by Kovács László.
  • AUTHOR=("Kovács László" OR "K. L.") (link) Search for articles by Kovács László or K. L.

Search in captions

  • CAPTION=(Puskás) (link) Search for pages where Puskás appears within an image's caption.

Complex examples

You can search for those documents that appeared between 1845 and 1846, include Sándor Petőfi, but do not contain Lajos Kossuth:

  • "Petőfi Sándor" AND DATE=(1845--1846) NOT "Kossuth Lajos" (link)

Or try the same using truncation characters. Here you can filter out possible misspellings or errors of the optical character recognizer.

  • Pet!fi* 0W Sándor* AND DATE=(1845--1846) NOT (Kossuth 0W Lajos*)(link)

Search for documents published between 1930 and 1990 which contain Petőfi Sándor in an image's caption and Szabó Ferenc as the author.

  • CAPTION=(Petőfi Sándor) AUTHOR=(Szabó Ferenc) DATE=(1930--1990) (link)

Search for documents published between 1930 and 1990 which contain Petőfi Sándor in an image's caption, Szabó Ferenc as the author and they belong to the same article.

  • CAPTION=(Petőfi Sándor) S AUTHOR=(Simon Ferenc) DATE=(1930--1990) (link)


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