Köveskál Summary

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Köveskál is one of the most remarkable villages out of the eight villages of the geographically connected and closed, but socially (nobles, serfs, cotters) and religiously (Calvinist, Roman Catholic, Evangelical) fragmented Káli recess, which is surrounded by volcanic mountains. This is an area rich in natural beauties and rare plants. It has a lower gentry origin, and its dominantly Calvinist population between the XVII and the middle of the XIX centuries, started to diminish gradually from the beginning of the XX century, and strongly from the middle of the XX century.
The village settled on the axis of the ancient military road going from East to West. Its name that is known in its present form since 1291, preserved the name of Kál horka, one of the Hungarian settlers, the first landowner of the village. After the rebellion of Koppány against Saint Stephen, the first settlers only remained here in part, and they were replaced by new settlers coming from different tribes.
The estate that belonged to the clan from the XI to the middle of the XIV century, became a royal estate. It was called an Episcopal village in the XV century. After the devastation by the Turks in 1548, it was already recorded as the village of the nobility. Its name of Nemes Köveskál (Noble Köveskál) was preserved until 1722.
The Győrffy dynasty is the oldest of the several noble families of the settlement. Their estate was separated in 1277. Their ancestor György, the son of András Köveskáli was raised to the rank of the nobility of the nation by king Ladislas (the Kuman) IV. The census reported about twenty-one noblemen and successors in 1292, twelve in 1542, nineteen in 1738, eighty in 1790, seventy-six in 1826. The settlement had the rank of a borough from 1828 until 1899, and had the right to organize two national fairs.
The land around it is full of stones, and it is infertile, therefore, special agro-technical procedures were applied here. The village made its name, and gained appreciation with its hillside full of vineyards producing a lot of good quality wine, which did not get damaged even during the Turkish rule. The real devastation came with the phylloxera that started in 1891. Later, the hillside was planted with new, noble varieties of grape, but at that time, they rather focused on the lower parts of the land. The new varieties of grape required new cultivation methods, and the work of new, well-trained vine-dressers.
The archaeological monuments of the settlement give evidence about the well-being of the people in the old borough, and the harmony of the style of the nobility of the time. Other areas of its popular education preserved especially rich and ancient customs in the areas of horticulture, food, family life, family relations, the holidays of the year, the main stations in human life, and religion. The traditional features of the family structure were preserved until the 1980-ies in an astonishing richness, and also clan-based traditions of the system of family relations, the seating order in the church, the order of settlement and funerals. The documents preserved about the lifestyle and daily routines of the small nobility are especially interesting. The school system of the settlement, and the demand for education was significant. This gave rise to some foundations in the village from 1837. Cultural life outside the school was an important part of education, and it was rich, colorful and substantial in the old Köveskál.



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