Flow of Hungarian Labor Force in the Light of Hungary’s Accession to the European Union

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Flow of Hungarian Labor Force in the Light of Hungary’s Accession to the European Union
Well-known are the European Union’s and some of its Member States’ concerns in the field of the free movement of labor force, as well as their intent to define a temporary period for the countries – including Hungary – to join in the chapter of negotiations about the free flow of people. This is one of the highly ‘sensitive’ issues at the negotiations being held on accession between the European Union and the Central and Eastern European countries aspiring for membership regarding the accession of the latter. The analyses that Hungarian and foreign experts have made so far may, however, clearly lead one to the conclusion that the impact of the free movement of labor force on the Community’s labor market will not resolve any economic or social problems, nor will it jeopardize the labor market either in Hungary or in any of the candidate member states.



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